Passover Collection
Mar 16, 2023
It's that time of the year when we wish a joyous Passover to the Jewish Community. Passover is a significant holiday that occurs during the Spring, during this time the Biblical story of Exodus is commemorated. From April 5th to April 13th this year, we are wishing you a happy festival!

We have put together a collection that is filled with Kosher products that can be enjoyed during Passover. Some of the featured items in our collection are the Chocolate Covered Matzo Gift Box, Bark Box, and the Almond Hazelnut Matzo Gift Box! Whether you are spending this time with your community, family, or friends there is always a reason to indulge in your chocolate cravings.

Shop the Passover Collection today to find some treats to be enjoyed during this festival. Happy Passover!